Storage Lien Sales

Below is a listing of the lien sales currently in progress.

We are currently using for our lien sales.  You can sign up for free.  Try it out! No standing out in the cold, wind or snow. No driving to the site unless you know you have won an auction! The 21st century alternative for storage unit auctions.


Currently we have the following sales available at 250 Digital Drive, Clear Lake, WI:

No lien sales at this time.

Currently we have the following sales available at 1130 Charrie Lane, Cumberland, WI:

No lien sales at this time.

Currently we have the following sales available at 2678 18 3/4 Street, Rice Lake, WI:

No lien sales at this time.

Currently we have the following sales available at 655 Polk St Croix Road, New Richmond, WI:

No lien sales at this time.

Currently we have the following sales available at 1494 Highway 35, St. Croix Falls, WI:

No lien sales at this time.

As a reminder, the sale can be cancelled at any time up to the payment in full by high bidder if the Lessee in default pays their balance.

Do you want to be notified  via email of sales as they come up? All you have to do is contact us or send an email to and request to be added to the lien sale mailing list. Every time we have a lien sale at any of our locations we will send you an email notification of the sale. You can cancel at anytime by letting us know you no longer wish to receive notifications.